A fortnight and Jacquie and I are starting to find our way around the stock. It's going onto the website bit by bit - I am comparing the download from Wendy's online shop, the stock take lists and, where possible, the original manufacturer's details. Some parts are starting to fit together, but checking all the threads is going to take some time.
As with any move, some labels have fallen off, boxes have been separated, and we are still sometimes working out where to put everything!
Jacquie is working her way through the Appleton's crewel and tapestry wools, and I am working my way through cross-stitch kits, table cloths and runners, bell-pull fittings and books.
We have had some lovely telephone calls from customers - many of whom we have been able to help, even if we have had to hunt to the back of the stock room for what they are looking for. It's been a pleasure to talk to customers - old and new, and find out how much they have enjoyed their sewing over the years. It has been a particular pleasure to talk to a lady whose embroidery classes can start again in September - one more step back to normality.
The permanence and history of what we all do came home to me last week, as well. Filling out a form for insurers who asked how long our products lasted? Well that's a question! My answer was potentially 6-700 years, with care, possibly longer! I'm not sure of the oldest known tapestry or cross-stitch, but if anyone out there does know, please do tell me - the archaeologist in me would love to know!