Getting settled in online and offline!

Getting settled in online and offline!

December was busy for Jacquie and I as we moved into the quirky little shop in Grassington that we now call home. At the same time, we have been going through the process of getting shops approved on Facebook and Instagram. And now we are just awaiting some final bits from Google so that our products are available on Google Shopping. 

At the heart of our business is the bricks and mortar shop, with the service that we love to be able to provide. Too many shops are 'this is what we have, take it or leave it'. for us, it's customer service, going the extra mile and making sure people have what they need. That's why we don't mind supplying 1 skein, 1 needle, a sample thread to make sure it matches, or taking the time to track down the right colour match for the wool on the tapestry that you bought, half completed, off eBay last week. 

We have welcomed lots of people to the shop since we opened - and it is so lovely to be able to talk to you all, whether it's in person or on the phone. It's also possible, if you want to discuss a Work In Progress and show it to us, to arrange to chat across Zoom or FaceTime. Who would have thought it a few years ago!

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